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I have added a new cake to my list of favourites – oreo cake. It was served last weekend and was gone by the end of the day, which I see as an indication of success. The recipe was found at Trines Matblogg, which is unfortunately not in English. This is the cake and the recipe in Norwegian. 

The cake proved very easy to make; three layers, one bowl, and electrical whisk and a microwave is about all you need. Plus the ingredients:

First layer: 

300 grams of oreos

100 grams of butter


I melted the butter , threw in the oreos and mashed it all. Put all in a form directly on a serving platter.


Second layer 

200 grams of cream cheese

1 cup of frosting sugar

1/3 litres of cream

about 50 grams of oreos


Mix the cheese and frosting sugar, whip the cream and gently mix the lot. Chop the oreos and add to the mix.


Third layer: 

Chocolate mousse made from about 1,5 cups of milk

about 50 grams of oreos


I was lazy and did not bother making mousse from scratch. There are numerous recipes for mousse online, and there are most likely also ways to cheat no matter where you’re from.


The layers are made in chronological order. Simply put one on top of the other and decorate with chopped oreos and/or melted chocolate. The cake is as easy as it gets (at least if you don’t make the mousse from scratch). Hope you enjoy 🙂